Атака мобов обычной атакой/питомцем/скиллами с фильтром мобов
Продажа лута и починка снаряжения с фильтром
Возвращение на место кача/фарма после смерти
Поднятие лута с фильтром
Полная поддержка питомцев (хил, рес, кормление)
Автореконнект и автологин (опционально)
Простой и понятный интерфейс
Возможность сохранения профилей под разных персонажей
Статистика (время до апа, опыта в минуту, ...)
Возможность работы со свернутым клиентом
Скиллование не мешает чату (используются инжекты)

Видео http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cQTC6Fr … r_embedded

Ну а дальше по английски, лень переводить, думаю и так будет всё понятно.

Why this Bot:
The benefit of this Bot is simply stability. The goal was to make a Bot that is 99,9% stable and can work for a long time (multiple days) without any problems, including vending and fast hunting.

Quick Tutorial for experienced users:
Only the very important settings are explained. For the other settings please read the beginners tutorial.
- login with your character
- start the bot
-> General-Tab:
- if you play a venomancer then set the correct pet-slot
-> Training-Tab:
- if you want to use a pet(which can attack) enable Autosummon-Pet
- if you are botting in the air enable Use Fly-Gear
-> Skills-Tab:
- click the refresh button at the bottom
- select one skill and click the add button for General use Skills

=> Save Settings
=> Make sure the Bot is able to connect to the internet and click Start .
(See FAQ for more informations)
=> Please read the releasenotes (below) before you start the Bot.

Long Tutorial for beginners:
- Start the game
- Login, select your character and enter the world
- doubleclick the b0t.exe file to start the Bot.
Note: Vista users may read the FAQ below, if they have problems
- you will recognize several tabs (pages, if you want so) with different settings categorys.

Now all of those settings will be explained:

-> General-Tab:
- Character Informations: you can see some statistics here, but you don't have to do anything.
- Pet Slot: if you play a venomancer then set the correct pet-slot. Ingame simply press "p" to see a list of your pets. The pet at the top-left is the pet in slot 1. Below is the slot 2, and so on.
- Log: the Bot will print out some status messages or error messages here.

-> Training-Tab:
- Current Monster Status: just some information, nothing to do here.
- Training Options: If you want the Bot to autosummon your Pet before hunting monsters, then enable this option( Autosummon-Pet ). Further if you are botting in the air (and using a fly-mount) simply enable Use Fly-Gear .
- Training-Area: if you want that the Bot only hunts monsters in a specific area then go to this area and click Set Area , to set it in the bot.
- Mobfilter: if you only want to attack a specific monster, click the refresh button. You will see all currently surronding monsters in the list now. Set the attack value to true(if you want to attack it) or false(if you don't want to attack it). Then enable Use Mobfilter and the Bot will use the filter.

-> Skills-Tab:
If you want to hunt monsters you will need skills. At the Skills learned list you can see all of your character skills. You may click refresh to update the list. Keep in mind that not all of your character skills are known by the Bot, so there could be some of them missing.
- First use Skill: this skill will only be used once (at first) when hunting monsters. Select a Skill from the Skills learned list and click the Add button to add it.
- General use Skills: this list contains all the skills that are used while hunting monsters. Again select a skill (or more) and add them to the list.
- Buff Skills: are skills that are only casted in a specific interval (for example each 10 minutes). Add your buff skills here.

-> Autopotion-Tab:
- Character - Autopotion: if you want your Bot to use health or mana potions if the health or mana is below a certain value, then enable the option and set the value.
- Pet -Autopotion: If you play a venomancer and use a pet to hunt monsters then also set this settings for healing and feeding your pet. Keep in mind to select the correct pet food from the feed with list.

-> Items-Tab:
- Itemfilter: contains a list of all known items. Simply set the values to true or false if you want to pick/sell/store the item. The bot is able to learn new items if they are around you or in your inventory. If they are in your inventory you have to place your mouse over the item for some seconds until you see the description. Then it should already be learned by the Bot. If not, got to the Expert-Tab and click Learn Inventoryitems .
Important: if you enable vending later (in the Loop-Tab ) your Bot will sell items. Its highly important that you set all important items to not-sell (false). Think about your supply stash, weapons and equipments here. Otherwise they will be sold! (No equipped items will be sold, only those in your inventory)
- Pick Items: enable this option if you want your Bot to pick up items.
- Default values: if a new item is learned this values will be used for pick/sell/store.
- Pick: pick up items
- Sell: sell items
- Store: put them into the bank

-> Loop-Tab:
- Loop (Vending) makes the following possible: Walking to the trainingplace, hunting monsters, walking back to town to sell items, go back to the trainingplace again to hunt monsters. This feature is incredibly powerful because it allows to Bot for days without any problems. But sadly it is a little more complicated than the rest. Read on.
- Return to City when:
* Dead: enable this and the Bot will go back town when died
* Inventory full: self explaining
* Don't Loop: enable this, if you don't want the Bot to loop. If so it will only hunt monsters, without going back to the town.
- Script Settings:
As mentioned before the Bot is able to walk to the town and back to the trainingplace. Therefore a path is recorded before, like go to a, go to b, go to c, finished. Now basically we need to do two things:
1. create a path
2. tell the Bot to use this path.

1.) Create a path:
The path is saved in a textfile in the Trainingplacescripts directory. Simply create a file like "mypath.txt" now. In the end it will have the following structure:

PHP код:
go(x,y) # default point after death or teleport
go(x,y) # position of the pharmacist
go(x,y) # position of the pharmacist 
go(x,y) # trainingplace 
Now at first you will learn what those special points like default point after death are. Afterwards I will explain how to add those things to the file.
The special points:
* default point after death : to make continue botting after death possible this point is important. Go to your trainingplace and teleport home, or simply let the monsters kill your character. Now back in town the place where you are currently standing is always the first point in the script.
* position of the pharmacist: vending always happens at a pharmacist(not a blacksmith or tailor, only pharmacists). So this is the place where your pharmacist is standing.
* <Talk>: means that the bot has to talk to the nearest npc, which is the pharmacist. Here everything will be sold / repaired / bought.
* trainingplace: is your trainingplace position where you will hunt monsters.
* comments: are written like #comment. The bot won't read this, it is just for better understanding.

How to record:
To create those go(x,y) lines in your textfile you just have to click the Add single Position button. The <Talk> line won't be added, so you have to do it manually. Also you could use the Start and Stop record Buttons, but the Add single Position will bring better results. What else can be done is that you just open the textfile and write everything on your own.

Additional Informations:
This script thing is hard to explain. What basically happens is that the Bot walks from one point to another. Its important that there are no obstacles between those points. Further its important that the script also works in reversed order. Keep in mind that the Bot will always walk the script, never fly it. Also its important that the go(x,y) before <Talk> and the go(x,y) after <Talk> are always the same (next to the pharmacist). If you want to understand why, its because the script will be walked in reverse order too (from trainingplace to town).

An example
In the download you will find the City of the Lost_2_Sharptooth Wolfling script file. This is meaned as an examplescript that everyone can test. You can see the script at work in the youtube video in this thread.

Having problems with scripts?
I hope that users who understood how everything works will share their trainingplacescripts so we can collect many of them - no one would have to create its own anymore. If you are having problems with your script simply ask us or wait until someone is posting a good script that works for you.

2.) Tell the Bot to use this path.
This one is easy: insert the filename into the Trainingplacescript: field. Example: "Trainingplacescripts\City of the Lost_60_Examplemonstername.txt".

-> Login-Tab:
If a disconnect happens the Bot is able to relogin and continue botting. Simply enable Relogin on Disconnect and enter your account-id and pw here.
Note: the accountdata is only saved locally in your settings file.

-> Expert-Tab:
Here are some expert settings, some of them only for developers to test some features. Don't click around here unless you know what you are doing.

=> Now click Save Settings , make sure the Bot is able to connect to the internet (disable firewalls, see FAQ for more informations) and click Start .

Frequently asked questions:
Why does the Bot shut down when I click start?
The Bot needs a internet connection. Check your firewall (or antivirus) to make sure the Bot can connect to the internet. If it still does not work a new Botversion may have been released or the reversing-now.org site is currently having problems.

I am using Vista and the Bot doesn't work, what can I do?
Just disable UAC in the control panel or download "vista4experts" to tweak your system. Then do a small restart and everything will work fine.

Why is the Bot for free and will it always be for free?
Our system is currently donation-based. Please read here for more informations: http://reversing-now.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24.
We are not sure if it will be like this forever, it is currently a testing phase to see how things work out. On the one side this is small Bot which can have a incredible influence on the overall gameplay, we have seen many games which lost the war against the bots. On the other side: behind this small looking Bot are thousands of lines of sourcecode, as well as even more hours of developing and debugging. There would be some reasons to make this a private or even paid bot.

- Test I => Win7 x64, Venomancer Level 60+
* on ground: Loot = ok; Hunting = ok; Loop =ok;
* in water: Loot = 5/6 times; Hunting = ok; Loop =ok;
* in the air: Loot = 5/6 times; Hunting = ok; Loop =ok;
* Stabletime = 20+ hours without any problems

The second important property after stability is speed. The goal is to make this a real fast leveling Bot. In the picture below you can see what was possible in three weeks of botting, with the current botversion probably only two weeks.

This level 70 veno was (besides the petquest) only leveled by the Reversing-Now Bot.

- Some features are greyed out (disabled). Those features are currently tested until they are stable. You may see them in the next version.
- Skills are not all known by the Bot, especially the new Tideborn classes will only find one or two skills. Further the first skill(s) have been tested for any class. If you have problems with a skill then you may only use one of those first skills (which your character has since you created it)
- Don't target your Pet while botting. To make it as stable as possible simply don't click around in the game.
- Farming resources is not tested, it may work or it may won't work.
- If you are using the relogin feature you should disable trade and party invites in the game, or it will detect them as a disconnect.
- The Bot does not pass the Comodo Firewall, even if you click allow. This is because of how the Bots tcpip class works, this may be fixed later. For now disable the firewall.

Virustotal scan: Link.
As you can see the scan is not completely clean. The reason (maybe) is the usage of several GetAsyncKeyState() calls. Those are not used to log data in any form.

Features planned:
- Buffs
- Buy potions@vending
- Skillcast cooldown attend
- 3D-Loot (to make it working 100% in the air and in the water)
- autoparty invites
- tideborn skills

http://shareflare.net/download/71400.79 … 4.zip.html